東京で食う飲む!Restaurant or Bar around Tokyo and Far East. There is a great diversity of food and culture in Japan. You will enjoy the huge range style of food from very local Japanese food to a lot of foreign foods. I hope you will find and feel the diversity of foods in Japan.

8 December 2015

atmosphere of restaurant, Modern Thai, Nahm, Sathorn, Bangkok, Thailand

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Symphony of spices and essence of ingredients on the dish
Thai food is one of the most famous food categories in the world. The general imagination of Thai food is spicy, hot, exotic or red colour etc. These adjectives will show just one face of the Thai foods. The Thai food also has huge diversity as Japanese food. The diversity has several axes as the class, the area in country, situation (restaurant to food stand). The character of the Thai food is the combination of spices, Umami from seafood and texture. As Umami and Texture were also seen in Japanese food, Japanese people love into powerful taste (hot and spicy) and presentation (colourful and large portion).
The entrance of Nahm
The Nahm is very famous as the Michelin stared restaurant. This restaurant is also Thai food restaurant. If you will plan to visit this restaurant with some conservative European image as the other Michelin stared restaurant in European countries, some part of the courses will not be able to satisfy you without your experience of some spices or Thai culture.
In the restaurant, exotic flowers were decollated on the table or walls. The colours of the flowers were reflected white light. The interior was very modern as the international food restaurant. The meter de tail will escort to the tables as the French restaurants. The staffs spoke nicely frequent English and explain the menu like poem. No one will be able to imagine the tastes, courses and flavour from description in English. We need huge communication between the customers and staffs. 
The dishes which decorated foods on were very traditional tastes from Thailand. Some was similar to the Skhothai era celadon, some was painted with the metal, and the other was like born China. The courses had served as the families or friends in Thailand. The chef, Mr. David will show what his Thai food is.
five Canape from kitchen
These canapes will be the signature dishes expressing the chef's Thai food world. The marriages of the tastes, flavours and textures is the first time for me.
On the first canape, our chef will bring us to his Thai food world.
The sweetness of the pinapple and mixed braised pork, shrimp and ginger were married as a Thai snack in our mouth. 

 blue swimmer crab over rice crackers

pork lobster

marriage of sour and garlic


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