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7 June 2016

The oldest building of church in Japan, Oura Cathedral, Nagasaki city, Japan [The pilgrimage tour around Nagasaki]

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The Oura Cathedral was the oldest building of church in Japan. This church was built in Oura, Nagasaki after the opening on 1854 AD. There were several churches in port of Yokohama which was one of the opened ports. This had been the first church in Nagasaki and established on1865 AD. The church was located in the foreign settlement formed under Edo era in South Eastern part of Nagasaki. The building is National treasure of Japan.

Beside view of Oura Cathedral. The rosette window was the oldest part of this church which had placed at the front in original church
The building is small but lovely French Gothic style. On the front face, there was the sign “Tenshudo” meaning Cathedral above the entrance. This church had also re-built and extension after 1865 AD. There was one tower in the centre. White wall and green sky blue show the French design style. The pillars were stand and crossed on the roof with the embossed cross junction. The old small sthend glass windows were placed on the each side. The contrast of brown pillars and white walls were show European taste. The roof was covered with Japanese style tiles. The rose window on the right side from the entrance was the original rose window of the first version.

The inside of the church. On the left side, the statue of Maria is one of the important part of this church. In front of this statue, the historical event of "discovery of the Christian in Nagasaki" had happened. 
The "discovery of the Christian in Nagasaki" had been the mile stone event on the long Catholic church history. 
The front view of the Oura Cathedral. The pine tree show the exotic atmosphere of this church.
There is a modern Oura Catholic church located on the opposite side of this cathedral. The red brick exterior shows beautiful contrast with Oura Cathedral. 

Stained glass of Oura Catholic church. 

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