東京で食う飲む!Restaurant or Bar around Tokyo and Far East. There is a great diversity of food and culture in Japan. You will enjoy the huge range style of food from very local Japanese food to a lot of foreign foods. I hope you will find and feel the diversity of foods in Japan.

26 January 2016

Taiwan Mazesoba, TakadanoBaba ( 臺灣まぜそば 高田馬場), Tokyo [Fast food of Japan]

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Taiwan? There was nothing come from Taiwan.
"The origin of the name is unclear." There must be several dishes in each country foods as Wellington style pie (fillet steak coated with pâté (often pâté de foie gras) and duxelles). Proper noun were sometimes named with the food name from eventual idea or incorrect image. I had never heard the satisfactory origin story of the name of this noodle dish from people in Nagoya.
The noodle was just spicy and chili hot taste. Who named this noodle must have had the wrong image on noodle in Taiwan. Beef noodle in Taiwan was not so spicy and hot.
Dear readers, please leave the food name whose origin of the name is unclear.

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