東京で食う飲む!Restaurant or Bar around Tokyo and Far East. There is a great diversity of food and culture in Japan. You will enjoy the huge range style of food from very local Japanese food to a lot of foreign foods. I hope you will find and feel the diversity of foods in Japan.

30 April 2015

Congdu, Neo-Korean food restaurant (콩두 大韓民国), Seoul, South Korea

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The restaurant is located in the very quiet area next to the Embassy of United State of America in Seoul. This was built in the small forest and faced to the pond. The building was used by the King's grandmother of last Choson king.

I visited here on the mid-summer evening. The cool and dry winds after getting dark passed through the building. The dry wind with remaining afternoon hot sunshine reminded me I was in the continent. I went through the corridor with white wall and focused righted. It was the mid-summer night though the roof was moved and it was made the outdoor atmosphere. The hot out air came into the dinning room, but was much cooler than that of the noon.

The building has white wall and beautiful dark brown floor. The dining room has view of some sky sclaper in Seoul city centre.

Each course was very nice and well portion. The course was arranged traditional Korean palace food like Japanese full course style. I have never heard like this Koeran food course. A lot of Korean restaurant will serve all course on one table on one time.
It was started with the yukhoe (Korean tar tare).

The shrimp was come from the sea near Takeshima, but the staff only said "Shrimp." This was nice beyond the border problem between Japan and Korea, baked on the burned stone in the wood pot. The smell was like the sea.

 The warm Chepziae was also nice, very tasty, not so spicy, I suspected the dishes were arranged for the Western persons.

The Karasumi was Okay. If you want this fish eggs, you must taste it in Nagasaki or Tokyo, Japan. Kiyokawa in Nagasaki or Sasaki in Tokyo serve very lovely, golden and tasteful Karasumi.

I have no idea that the traditional Korean food is the course style. The movie or the old books show a lot of dishes on one table poshly desplayed. I sometime disappointed that the first beautiful looks of the dishes in Korean foods were changed to the Bibimpa like tasty but dirty looking. But you will enjoy the very nice views of the dishes like my photo as shown.
I will go again when I am nervous in the Korean Bibimpa-ed(shaken and steered) food.

When I left from the restaurant, the beautriful lady owner who was small stature with white hair had greeted and seen me off at the entrance.

 大韓民国 서울특별시 중구 정동1-54
Tel: :+82 2-722-7002

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