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7 November 2015

Walking course in Tokyo vol.1, Hongo area, Bunkyo (散歩コース 東大本郷キャンパス), Tokyo, Japan

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The Yasuda lecture hall
The articles in this blog were to drinking in the bar. Today, I would like to introduce the small walking course for the visitors. The first one in Hongo Campus of the University of Tokyo. The University of Tokyo is top ranked national university in Japan.  The Hongo Campus is the major campus in this university. In this article, we would like to walk around this area. 

On coming through the main gate, the huge clock tower and lecture hall has faced to us. This building is ‎Yasuda hall. The hall was very famous on the campaign against the Japan‐U.S. Security Treaty on 1969. The lecture hall was half circle and the beautiful lumps were hung in the centre of the hall. The balcony shaped round give the beautifully atmosphere. 

Inside the Yasuda lecture hall

There are a lot of old building belong to the departments. Each building was placed in the nice distances each other. All building were designed by different architect  but were likely unified motif and design in this campus. The brick walls of the building were reflexed sunshine beautifully.

The galleries were beautiful spot in this campus. The lovely arched roof and constricted designs remind us these buildings were for the academic persons. The students and lecturers were pass through with faces like monk. 

Autumn is the best season to visit this university. Ginkgo trees were planted along the street and the centre of the places. The leaf of Ginkgo is the symbol of this university. Late November, the leaves will change to yellow and the contrast of the leaves and brown bricks wall were lovely.

Ginkgyo Tree on the place in front of the School of Technology
When you feel tired, please visit the café like the students. Subway or Starbucks were open in weekdays.

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