東京で食う飲む!Restaurant or Bar around Tokyo and Far East. There is a great diversity of food and culture in Japan. You will enjoy the huge range style of food from very local Japanese food to a lot of foreign foods. I hope you will find and feel the diversity of foods in Japan.

6 June 2015

Miya Kishimen, Atsuta shirine(宮きしめん,熱田神宮), Nagoya

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Miya Kishimen, Atsuta shrine, Nagoya

That was the sunny spring day and I can feel the sunshine like summer. In the Atsuta Shrine, there are huge precincts and three Torii. On walking through the precincts, I found noodle stalls. The name of stall was Miya Kishimen.

Kishimen Stall
Kishimen is one of the soul food for people in Nagoya. The noodle looks like wide width Udon. The dough of the noodle is made from wheat, salt and water like Udon. The texture was very soft. We can find this type of noodle only in Nagoya area (Mikawa and Owari area).

Miya Kishimen(jpy650)
Normal wheat noodle in Japan is Udon. Udon in Japan has huge variation town by town. The noodle was served with some soup stock. The soup stock was also various in all over the Japan. The famous ones were Sanuki in Kagawa prefecture, Hiyajiru in Saitama, Hakata in Fukuoka or Inaniwa in Akita. Goro Udon from Goto islands in Nagasaki prefecture were hand pulling, strong texture, coat with camellia oil and very narrow width.
Torii of Atsuta Shrine

Kagura (Shinto Music and dance) on the 1st May

The main building of Atsuta Shrine

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