Eat, Drink, Sleep @Tokyo, Now in Nagasaki

東京で食う飲む!Restaurant or Bar around Tokyo and Far East. There is a great diversity of food and culture in Japan. You will enjoy the huge range style of food from very local Japanese food to a lot of foreign foods. I hope you will find and feel the diversity of foods in Japan.

14 November 2018

Hong Kong Tram ”新年の香港島 #私のためだけに 走る香港トラム” 第二報

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 第一報では、皆さんに 新年の香港島 ”#私のためだけに 走る香港トラム”という企画をやりますよとの宣言を行いました。第二報ではそのルートについておしらせします。3時間のコースということで、さて、どんなコースになるんでしょうか。


Whitty Street Tram Depot > North Point > Happy Valley > Causeway Bay > Whitty Street



このうち、North point Happy Valley、Causeway Bay terminusにてトイレ休憩を取ることができます。アルコール類の持ち込みも可能であり、もっとも問い合わせ事項として多かった項目でありました。三箇所それぞれ5分ほどのトイレ休憩になる予定です。


貸切トラムの走行ルート上、乗車と降車の停留所を別に設定することが可能です。乗車停留所は飛行機の延着や香港でのお仕事の都合、夕食の都合などに合わせて、運営サイドで設定いたします。個別にお知らせください。"First Come, First Serve."により設定いたします。



日没中、黄昏刻である、18時の出発です。21時までに出発したWhitty streetまで戻ってきます。











8 November 2018

Hong Kong Tram ”新年の香港島 #私のためだけに 走る香港トラム” 第一報

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 ”新年の香港島 #私のためだけに 走る香港トラム”として開催します。数々の過去の鉄道車両貸切のイベントは、都営荒川線千葉モノレール三陸鉄道を経て、ついに海を渡り、香港島までやって参ります。過去の参加者を拝見しますと、ホテルファン、航空ファン、鉄道ファンなどが多いように見受けられます。


集合場所:Hill Road 山道(92W/07E)
解散場所:Hill Road 山道(92W/07E)(原則、途中で降車場所を検討中)


Antique Tram





→#私のためだけに 走る香港トラムへ参加します。








23 October 2018

HK express, Welcome to Nagasaki!! (New route to Nagasaki from 19th January 2019)

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Hong Kong Express has announced their new destination, Nagasaki from 19th January 2019. They will fly to Nagasaki (NGS) three flight a week from Hong Kong (HKG). Hong Kong is the third international destination for the Nagasaki Airport.

UO831 Nagasaki Hong Kong 19:50 22:05   Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
UO830 Hong Kong Nagasaki 13:05 17:05   Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

In the winter season, Nagasaki also cerebrate Luna New Year as the Chinese custom. 
A321 named "Braised Tofu & Roast Pork Rice" (HK express official)
As HK express named the city specialite foods on their aircraft, I hope they will name "Champon" on their new aircraft. Champon is one of the iconic food and very popular among citizen of Nagasaki, as every family have some preferences of the Champon restaurants or some specific characters in their family.

Sara Udon, Braised noodle, Nagasaki Style

City of Nagasaki, Prefecture of Nagasaki, two World heritage sites.

Nagasaki is located in the West part of Kyushu island. This area was one of the most international communication hub through the last five hundred years. Chinese, Korean, European and Asian people visited the Kyushu to have some trading business, missionary of Catholicism or some pirate activities. 
On 1542 AD, the matchlock gun were brought by Portuguese boat. Francisco Xavier has come to Japan for the missionary on 1549 AD. After Xavier, Spain, Holland and England have followed to visiting Japan with their colonialism. For half century, Catholic church have missionary around Japan. There were also some diplomatic connections to the governors as Nobunaga Oda or Hideyoshi Toyotomi. After twenty six martyrs, Japanese government prohibited the religion of Christian. The hidden Christian was formed the rural area of Nagasaki prefecture area. On 2018, UNESCO assigned the heritage of Christian history in Nagasaki as the World Heritage sites, Hidden Christian Site in Nagasaki lesion. All sites were spread around rural areas of Nagasaki and Kumamoto area. 
Shuttsu Church in Sotome, Nagasaki


Nagasaki has a limited internationally opened port in Edo era (1603-1867). The Tokugawa government permitted Holland and China who are able to have trade relations till 1854. Dejima was a fan-shape, small settlement for Hollanders and Kannai area were settlement for Chinese (Shinchi ,where is present Chinatown area, is new reclaimed town after opening the country). 
After opening the country, Western modern technologies were come into Japan. Nagasaki was also the front line. The another World Heritage Site was the Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution: Iron and Steel, Shipbuilding and Coal Mining, which including Hashima, known as Gunship island, seen in the James Bond movie "Skyfall".
Hashima, Battleship island
Through the long history of international connection, there were a lot of international flavoured local food in Nagasaki, Castella from Portugal, Champon from China, or Shippoku course (卓袱料理) from Holland. 

How to Access to City Centre

Form Nagasaki Airport, you can get to the city centre, Shinchi Bus terminal near to Nagasaki China town, for just 40 minutes, to Nagasaki Main station for 60 minutes. The Shuttle buses are running every 15 minutes from Nagasaki Station.
If you want to visit to Huis Ten Bosch, Holland entertainment park, you can take the bus bound for Sasebo city and get off at the entrance of the park after ride for 60 minutes.

Further destination From Nagasaki in Japan

From Nagasaki Airport, You will also get to further destinations including Tokyo (Haneda and Narita), Osaka (Itami and Kansai), Kobe and Okinawa in Japan.
The destination of Narita, Kansai and Seoul Incheon were operated by Low cost carriers, to Narita with Jet Star Japan, to Kansai with Peach and to Incheon with Air Seoul. The Skymark airlines also produces the low fare tickets.

13 September 2018

British Airways First class experience, meal, BA007, LHR - HND, August 2018

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One summer day on August, I have a British Airways First class flight from London Heathrow Terminal 5 to Tokyo Haneda. I used the BA First after a 3 year absence. 

Is Club World service catching up to the First service?? There is British First.

Now British Airways is upgrading the Club world products, introducing new products, as Do &Co catering, White company linen or  lounge service in Club world cabin for last two years. The White company sleeping kets will provide you the luxury sleep, instead of the former dormitory like blanket. The New catering style on the board is nice photogenic and taste which I had experience on Hong Kong to London A380 flight. The Club world service seems to be catching up to the First class service on the Hard base products...
The British Airways First service is no caviar, no separate space and no, so some bloggers said it is not so luxury. The trend in the commercial aviation is lead by Middle East or other European Airline companies as the surface luxury. On the flight such Airlines, First class seat is Suite room type, separated as the privacy room, meal is posh as the fine dinning restaurants.
The First on British Airways seems to be a little different as at-home, as usual or as British. 

The First: catering. 

The BA 007 Flight from London to Tokyo was World wide crew of British Airways. The Most experienced crews have served as the traditional and classical style of British Airways and they also enjoy their jobs and life. The passengers will enjoy the service including chatting with the crews and their extra professional technique of service. 
On this flight, I had Japanese style food as some small challenge.  The Airlines catering meal were commonly produced as mass production. I usually wonder how the foreigner may understand the Japanese food and cooking. This was small challenging event but exciting for me.
The menu 
As the Starter, I had "selection of Japanese appetisers. Ingredients were cooked as the Japanese style. I can feel and taste the Dashi soup stock. 
Starter: Japanese appetisers, prawn sushi, grilled scallop, pepper chicken and simmered gourd melon

Main course, Grilled fillet of beef with rice. On First class service, a crew at the galley will warm the course by each ingredient. The lady cabin crew was on duty on this flight. She produced very lovely medium rare fillet for me. The juice was contained in the meat. 
The British Airways meals has the concepts focused on flavour or Umami tastes. On this course, they used some smoky flavour into the sauce with ingredients origin Umami. I have forgot I was in the sky. 
Main course. Grilled fillet with teriyaki sauce, braised pumpkin and shimeji mushroom

chestnut rice and pickles

THE BAr and Wines
The Grand Siecle is the signature of British Airways First. We should not missed the other unique and local wines selected by British Airways. Cornwall Brut, Chablis, Riesling, Saint-Emilion, there were nicely matured and selected wines on board. 

British airways, Bar menu and Champagne lists

British Airways, Wine lists

 Cheese was selected from around UK. 

Cheese plate.
Belton Farm Red Fox, Fourme D'ambert, Double Barrel Lincolnshire Poacher, Normandy Camembert 


There were Japanese style food essence among the courses I had. The Joint venture between British Airways and Japan Airlines seems to be effective into the meal catering.

Caviar? If your flight time is taken for four days or five days as BA 704 on 1951, Caviar or lobster will be served as a dinner in European route.  According to the some articles on Airline traveller blog, the travellers looks to feel a little bit disappointing no-caviar service. Some Airline companies including BA, sifted to the well-being or international-local concept from "just" posh, Antique style. 

28 July 2018

Ryuhou, Kagurazaka (龍朋, 神楽坂), Tokyo, Japan

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The casual and reasonable Chinese restaurant in Kagurazaka serving Fried rice (炒飯 チャーハン)

It was the very hot evening after typhoon has gone through the island of Japan. The hotness in the ground kept the air hot and wet. I have gotten off the metro at Kagurazaka Station to find the restaurant to have supper. After getting to the ground floor, I reminded the small Chinese restaurant near the station, Ryuhou. I stood behind the Yarai exit and turned left and left again on the first corner at the bookshop. I found the yellow eaves sign with “Lamen 龍朋.” This Japanese style Chinese restaurant, like Ramen shop, was famous as the restaurant serving one of the most delicious Fried rice in Tokyo.

There are a lot of young age, their twenties to thirties year old, customers in the restaurant. The interior of the restaurant has atmosphere of 1960s common coffee house in Japan. The Wall paper is polyvinyl and blotched as a lot of brown spots of cooking oil. The furniture sets are made of wood. The interior looks very cheap but makes us some nostalgic feeling. A lot of menu plates were lined and hung on the wall beyond our head as the common Chinese food restaurant in Japan.
I ordered a set of Fried rice from the list.
The set of Fried rice was served with plain soup and fried rice. The fried rice was very simple that they cooked with dice size roost pork, egg and spring onion. The roost pork had very nice flavour and great texture of meat and made a lovely match with sliced spring onion.
The soup was also nice. It was the fish soup stock taken with dried sardine, dried bonito and other seafood. The white brown soup stock could be served with other noodle, like Ramen at this restaurant.

They have very simple menu list but serve with their heart. The atmosphere is very lovely as the haimish and daily-use common Chinese restaurant. All dishes were served with less than one thousand yen (about eight US dollar).
rewrite 28th June,
first 2nd, June, 2015

27 July 2018

Hamo course in Kiyokawa, Nagasaki (鱧づくし 清花和 長崎), Japan

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Hamo, the signature fish in Summer, in texture, taste and flavour

The fish, Hamo is come from Ariake sea area. During the Gion festival season(from first to end of June) in Kyoto, the people in Kyoto will feel the coming summer with Hamo sent from Kyusyu or Setouchi area. On this staying in Nagasaki, I have enjoyed Hamo in Kiyokawa where is my favourite Japanese food restaurant in Nagasaki. At the fisherman's port of Nagasaki, the amount of landing Hamo is ranked at fifth in Japan. 
Hamo, (

In English, Hamo is pike conger, academically named Muraenesox cinereus. Hamo has long body like eel. From Edo era, the long body fish were valued as the invigorating ingredient due to the shape. And during the poor transportation to Kyoto, Hamo survived to send to Kyoto from Osaka port because of the strength and powerful characters. The Hamo has thick body and a lot of bone in the meat. In Japan, this fish were cooked as the fish paste or in the Japanese restaurants. This Fish is 

Hone-kiri (cutting the bones) is one of the highest technique of Japanese chefs, Itamae

 In the Japanese food restaurants, the pike conger were cooked after the bone cutting. The Itamae will use the special kitchen knife for the purpose of carving the pike conger, called Hone-kiri-bouchou (meaning knife for cutting the bones). He will carving the pike conger with thin slice as 1-1.5mm, with perpendicular to the body, using the heavy weight and sharpness of the knife to crave the thin slice. The sound of cutting the bone is rhythmical and solid, as giving us the incessant clicking.
After the bone cutting, Itamae will boil, steam or cook for your courses. When he boiled, the shape of fish meat will get the lovely shape as flower blooms.

Hamo, the great actor as the ingredient in Japanese food

Hamo dishes have various cook style, boiled, braised, roast or raw. We will feel the summer and survive the heatwave with the strength of this fish. 

Sashimi and boiled Hamo with pram sauce (with red brown sauce)

Hamo Yanagawa (braised with egg)

Kabayaki sushi ( Teriyaki-like roasted Hamo)

re-write on 25th July 2018
Elder: 25th August 2014

Japanese restaurant, Kiyokawa

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