東京で食う飲む!Restaurant or Bar around Tokyo and Far East. There is a great diversity of food and culture in Japan. You will enjoy the huge range style of food from very local Japanese food to a lot of foreign foods. I hope you will find and feel the diversity of foods in Japan.

11 July 2015

Gindako(銀ダコ), Yaesu, Tokyo station, Tokyo [Chain store in Japan]

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Gindako, the famous Japanese fast food chain
The Gindako is the Takoyaki stand franchise chain in Japan. They also have some stands abroad. When I was teenager, I was very happy to visit Gindako stand near my school. The combination of sweet - salty brown sauce and crispy skin and soft octopus reminds me my childhood.
This stand in Yaesu area is mainly for the adults who can drink alcohol in legal. I completely forgot about Takoyaki till last September. I visited at this stand to find the lovely harmony among Takoyaki and a glass of beer. The sweet brown Tare was suited to a glass of lager beer.
The Takoyaki from Gindako is not the best but common taste in Japan. The texture was very nice. The out skin fried with oil was crispy and the inside is soft and including very nice size of octopus. As Japanese people usually pay attention on the texture of food, the chewy octopus and spongy dough are one of the reasons of that Takoyaki is popular for all generation in Japan.
On serving what you ordered, the staff will say "Oishiku meshiagaremasuyouni"(おいしく召し上がれますように). That is meaning Bon apetite! in French or Guten apetite! in German.

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