東京で食う飲む!Restaurant or Bar around Tokyo and Far East. There is a great diversity of food and culture in Japan. You will enjoy the huge range style of food from very local Japanese food to a lot of foreign foods. I hope you will find and feel the diversity of foods in Japan.

13 February 2016

To eat or not to eat, experience of food and culture is unique in country.

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To eat the meat of venison or pigeons or to hunt foxes were well cultivated custom in European countries. On the other hands, to eat whales or to hunt whales were lupine custom in European countries. In the small islands in Far East, there were the different situations in these customs. Fortunately or unfortunately, I love both customs. In late autumn, I am looking for the restaurant where serve nice dishes of venison or pigeons and Burgundy wine from France. On visiting several favourite restaurants of Japanese foods, Itamae recommend me the nice part of whales which they bring from Tsukiji market.

Mr. Wingfield-Hays was a very un-lucky gentleman. He and his friends might have never seen and tried the best part and spices of whales. As embarrassing, it was the first time when I had really lovely meat of whale at Kiyokawa three years ago. Draining blood from the meat on the whale boats were very important process for the meat not to make “gamey flavour”.

My parents had also an unbalanced diet during traveling around Europa. When we visited to a bistro in Paris, I was very excited to choose pigeon from venison, pigeon or sole on the lists. My mother was as surprised at me as she faced the end of the world. One hundred and fifty years ago, eating four leg animal was prohibited and disliked due to the religious rule of Buddhism. The dish of pigeon was lovely dish I had never had in Japan. The juicy meat and nice flavour of sauce was memorable.

As the BBC journalist, he might have had some duties to write radical articles as Sea Shepard due to commercial reasons, with small amount of experience having meat of whales. As the typical middle couple from Japan, my parents have never taste the gibier as traditional French dishes. These people I described, had huge preoccupation on the ingredients. These ingredients were not prohibited under their religions and their countries laws. They felt just an aversion to eating or knowing how the animal be shoot.

The ingredients which was prohibited under the religions were regarded as importance. The ones which was faced extinction were also thought as importance. According to the Norwegian Fisheries web sites, Minke whales were not damaged species. The rumour data among Itamae in Japan said the number of blue whales landed on the fisherman’s ports were decreasing. These facts show the balance of ecosystem was already broken under the IWC moratorium, There was no scientific epidemiological data of whales on the earth from the countries against whaling in IWC.

All discussions were emotional argument and dichotomy between desirable and undesirable as my mother’s word “feel sick”.

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