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4 February 2016

Hayashi rice, M&C cafe, Maruzen, Oazo, Marunouchi, Tokyo

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Hayashi raisu (Hayashi rice) is the symbol of the modern Japanese food on the opening of Japan and Meiji era. A lot of Western food were come into Japan from European countries and United States. The custom of eating animal meat were also come into Japan. The Sukiyaki which was cooked thin sliced beef with sweet soy sauce on flat pan, was developed in Meiji era.
There were a lot of “Western food” (Japanese call Yoshoku 洋食) developed only in Japan. Hamburger steak, curry and rice, Ebi furai (fried Shrimp), Korokke (croquette) or Hayashi raisu were major and well known Western style Japanese foods. Each dishes were uniquely evolved from the European original recipe into fitted Japanese tastes. The basic sauce, demi-glace sauce, in Yoshoku were kept in each restaurant or family. A lot of families used the instant food or tinned sauces.
The Hayashi rice were served brown beef sauce and rice on one plate. Interestingly, the Yoshoku dishes were served with some rice in traditional.  The brown sauce of Hayashi rice was including braised sliced onion and beef or pork meat, tomato puree, red wine and demi-glace sauce. I preferred mushrooms as ingredients in Hayashi rice. If you like more formal style in Hayashi rice, the butter rice must be served with sauce.
Hayashi rice in M&C cafe
This Hayashi rice has several histories in the origin. One was come from the Hashed beef with Rice. According to this story, Hashed was corrupted into “Hayashi.” The cooking method was very similar to the Hayashi rice. Hayashi rice must be cooked as more strong flavour and taste of demi-glace sauce. Another one was from the family name who developed this dish. The establisher the book store of Maruzen, named Yuteki Hayashi, were produced the braised beef and some vegetable with demi glass sauce.
The roots of this dish in the cooking method had also two theories. The Hashed beef was already written above. The Gulyas from Hungary was served in the Royal family in Japan. The Gulyas were arranged into the Hayashi rice.
The Hayashi rice in M&C café in Maruzen book store of Marunouchi Oazo was one of the famous dishes of Hayashi rice in Tokyo. The nice demi-glace sauce brown were covered on the plate and the taste of sauce were including the essence of vegetable and beef. Soy sauce might be put to give the sauce a subtle flavour.
 The view from the huge window of this cafe was lovely with the commuter trains and bullet trains.

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